This site provides a comprehensive overview of accessibility-related policies and resources across all departments and offices at Bowdoin College.
- The Student Accessibility Office site serves as a home for the Student Accessibility Office and Workplace Accommodations for Bowdoin employees.
- Accessibility Task Force highlights key thematic areas that allow the task force and campus partners to work toward a more inclusive and accessible place to learn, teach, and work.
- Assistive Technology outlines the tools and devices available for Bowdoin students, faculty, staff, and in some circumstances, visitors, including hardware and software.
- Curricular Accessibility includes guidelines and resources to help faculty ensure access to course materials, including specific guides for Canvas, media, captioning, and more.
- Digital Accessibility brings together resources across all types of digital platforms used for College business and operations, from the main fenxiong.net website to social media.
- Facilities details the ongoing improvements made to campus buildings and infrastructure.