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Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Members-at-Large are required to:

  • Participate in scheduled meetings and actively engage by leading and completing projects within specified timelines
    • Members who do not attend at least two meetings per semester may be asked to reconsider their commitment.
  • Serve as representatives on sub-committees, listening sessions, and New Employee Orientations as needed
  • Promote, coordinate, and staff SAC events
  • Constructively discuss anonymous feedback and workplace improvements in the full committee meetings
  • Take meeting notes on a rotating schedule
  • Suggest sub-committees as necessary
  • At end of term, ensure projects transition smoothly

Time requirement for this position: 2-4 hours per month

Co-Chairs are required to:

  • Schedule meetings
  • Develop and provide members with a digital agenda a week prior to each meeting
  • Keep time during meetings to ensure agenda is completed
  • Delegate tasks and follow-up as appropriate
    • Assume additional responsibilities as needed
  • Manage election Process
    • Promote nominations during elections
    • Conduct voting process and communicate results
  • Liase with ex-officio members
  • Monitor online suggestion box and add feedback to agendas
  • At end of term, onboard incoming Co-Chairs

Time requirement for this position: 3-5 hours per month

Website Manager is required to:

  • Add full committee meeting notes to the website in a timely manner
  • Update website content as needed
  • Ensure materials are digitally accessible
  • At end of term, onboard incoming website manager

Time requirement for this position: 2-4 hours per month